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Stress bomb.

  • Company I work for lost funding.
  • Most friends/co-workers lost jobs last Friday.
  • A few still have jobs, tentatively, to either shut company down, or to transition assets to new corporate owner if one buys bits of old company.
  • trying to find positions for those with no jobs, hoping we few left get jobs too, and hoping that somehow we stay together as a team
  • realizing that last bit is nearly impossible, and mourning the imminent/probable loss of fantastic team
  • thank goodness for dance, it is the only thing relaxing me right now

Sorry so terse; I have loads more to say, but cannot say them so I don’t risk the sale or employment.

If your company has need of any of the following people, please let me know.

  • A technology and copyright law savvy corporate lawyer who can also speak geek (available March 1st, Northern Virginia)
  • A technology and copyright law savvy corporate accountant who has also been acting HR, CFO, and desktop IT support (yeah, we have our CFO doing Windows support, how cool is that?)
  • A CEO/president with experience in music and technology fields (not sure when he’s available, but we like him and would work for him again)
  • Several graphic designers who are very web-savvy and do amazing things with graphic arts
  • Project managers
  • HR administrator
  • QA testers, QA infrastructure, QA documentors
  • Web Developers
  • UNIX/Linux sysadmins – actually I am finding those positions – as this is an area I know
  • Network admins (cisco/F5/netscaler/firewalls/openVPN)
  • Administrative/Office assistants
  • Web Advertising Technicians (people who make sure the ads fit, work, deploy properly)

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