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Get ready to see Right Wing Media spin all week

It is already all over ABC and Politico (both are moderately conservative media outlets), and I suspect Fox (which I cannot stomach, but is very predictable) is also running a series of articles that are over-focused on driving a wedge between the Clinton and Obama camps within the Democratic Party. I fully expect them to try to drive this wedge as deep and wide as they can, even if they have to fabricate outright lies when they run out of trivial crap to over-emphasize. I expect the McCain campaign will continue fabricating outright lies all week too, and to focus on these alleged wedge issues within the Democratic Party.

Sigh. Until the American public starts thinking through the lies, and voting accordingly, these sort of repeat-the-lie-until-the-ignorant-voter-thinks-it-is-true campaigns will continue to work, and so long as they work, they will be applied over and over again until we are all sick to our stomachs of hearing the lies.

Take your antacids or stomach lining glop of choice; because the smear machine is just getting started.

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