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Spin Cycles, groan…

As of May 7th at 10:30am Eastern the Democratic Nomination results are:

Obama 1845 (257/795) needs 179.5 projected to add 103 probably 1948/2024.5
Clinton 1693 (271/795) needs 331.5 projected to add 114 probably 1807/2024.5

Source: Real Clear Politics

Doing the math, there are only 217 remaining pledged delegates in WV, KY, OR, SD, MT, and PR.
Also, only 268.5 super delegates remain uncommitted.

Note: RCP rounds .5 up to the nearest whole number. Half-delegates do matter, so I put them in as .5 instead of up one to nearest whole.

Here is the rub, even though it is a pleasant spin cycle for the next week our fickle and non-journalistic media will turn on Obama from the 13th through the 1st of June because Clinton will likely have more wins, more delegates, and more votes in the upcoming states/territories through Puerto Rico on the 1st of June.

Just like last night was not really a huge surprise, and nor was Pennsylvania; neither will West Virginia, Kentucky, and Puerto Rico…. Obama will snag between 103 and 106 of those delegates (Oregon being the least well known and most unpredictable) and Clinton will appear to gain momentum again by snagging between 111 and 114 delegates from those same races and winning apparently huge margins in West Virginia and Kentucky. The media and the spin doctors will have a field day saying she has pulled ahead again… just like they are all having a field day about last night…

Unless a candidate drops out, or huge numbers of super delegates decide; this race continues with ever diminishing returns and fewer surprises that matters. It was decided long ago, this process is important, but just the proof of what the mathematicians knew the morning of March 19th. Obama will be the nominee, and likely, our next President. Predicted, by me, back on March 20th.

Ignore the spin cycles, do the math. Help us find real journalists who are doing more than simply watching the apparent tennis match with their heads flipping back and forth in am amusing fashion.

To be fair, it was a surprise last night, a small and pleasant one. Obama seems to have grabbed 2-4 more delegates than predicted from the combined Indiana and North Carolina primaries….

180 delegates to win!

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