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Full House

I love having a house full of people. We have the La Belle Winter Gathering going on right now, and that means 12 overnight guests (including Erci and me), 3 guest dogs, and 8-10 additional daytime visitors each day. We’ve been singing, learning about the medieval church, discussing the chest building project, and catching up. I suspect that we’ll have some Western martial arts drill, some pourpoint and/or gothic fitted gown fittings, and possible a field trip to a museum.

Erci, being an introvert, is a little stressed, but she loves the food prep for so many appreciative people and showing off her aquariums. Bailey is a little freaked whenever the dogs (two rescued greyhounds and vizsla hound) come to the main level to go outside, and he only handles the small children one on one, though he does that very well. I have been loading medieval music into the server and adding it to a smart playlist.

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