I gakked this meme from chargirlgenius (Thanks Char!) and like it, and for once it fits.
I have had a crushing couple of days at work. Came back to oncall duty during two sub-system meltdowns, a protracted scheduled maintenance, and project installs galore. My poor phone battery keeps getting worn out with all the pages and my eyes hurt from lack of sleep, and I am overjoyed and thankful.
Sound a little odd?
Let me ‘xplain…
I am hugely thankful that in this crisis the team I am working with is pulling together. The unfortunate lad who owns the two sub-systems that are melting down is being covered for by all of us and by his management (after all it’s not his fault the code was delivered bad and the back-out option was wiped out by lease returns and corporate over commitment). The serious Tandem expert has hit it off with the new generic UNIX guy and they are teaching each other their tricks. I am only oncall this week because my hero and team-mate switched weeks with me last week to cover for me when I was in surgery, and he has been hovering and swooping in to help fix things all this week as well. Two members of other teams in the department saw the problems inherent in the project launches and jumped in to help us out. My boss is exceptionally graceful, focused on what is really important, supportive of all her people, and calm through this storm. The developer for the newest launching project is amazingly helpful and thoroughly documented their new code. But the most impressive thing of all is that last night, in the middle of system melt-downs, the specific other team who has reliably let us down on 24×7 monitoring in the past stepped up to the plate and began being genuinely helpful and interested in one of the melting projects and figured out what I was doing every time they paged, and started actually doing that rather than paging me.
Still tired, but completely and fully happy. Blissfully hopeful that through teamwork we will not only prevail, but improve some process while we do it. Very thankful.
Also thankful that I am breathing through my nose so easily. Woohoo!
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