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Weekend Update

Friday Erci and I went to Joy’s Cinco de Mayo party where we got to see lot’s of Erci’s former co-workers from Marine Scene and we met lots of new people. Erci was feeling better on her crutches and quite able to get around back to enjoy the party.

Saturday she insisted we attend Maryland’s 33rd annual Sheep and Wool Festival, so we dragged our awesome friend Kate along and hobbled around the barns, exhibits, and stalls shopping for a new 8 harness 48-54″ wide loom, and other weaving and knitting supplies. Aside from the prize winning blister she got on her hand from all the crutching around, Erci was feeling pretty good even if it did slow down her shopping. We ran into lots of old friends we had not seen in a while and had a great time. On the way home we decided to stop in for mint juleps and fantastic roast chicken from El Pollo Rico with Jeff and Dan and Jonathan. It was good catching up with friends we miss very much and Jonathan is as cute as ever.

Sunday Erci’s core body and leg felt much better, though the mint juleps took their tool. We started the day by heading down to SGI NOVA Community Center for World Peace Chanting, then went to Kelvin’s going away party (he’s moving to Las Vegas and will be dearly missed). By dinner time Sunday night Erci was feeling good enough to carefully walk around her own kitchen with no crutches.

Thank you all for your chanting and prayers; Erci is recovering very quickly, though it will be some time before she can dance.

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