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Vegetable Garden, 2015

I should have done this every year I’ve had a garden, log the sewing of seeds and plantings and photograph the progress with notes so that in following years I learn from mistakes.

I began this year’s garden a little late due to cold weather and outside events that prevented an early start; but I did start with wonderfully prepared garden beds that had been deliberately left fallow through 2014 except for Oregano that just will not stop prospering and a Fig Bush left over from a Fig Tree that was badly damaged in a snow storm years ago.

On April 2nd, 2015 I sewed from seeds, four small areas: mesclun mixed lettuces, cilantro, and multi-colored carrots.

first area in first bed prepared

started planting carrots, mesclun mix, and cilantro from seeds

April 5th: sewed from seeds a row of swiss chard and weeded some more of the first garden bed.

Late April: noticed swiss chard, mesclun lettuces and cilantro coming up; no sign of carrots.

On May 9th: took this photo of the baby lettuces (mesclun mix) that had come up so beautifully and a photo of the young swiss chard…

Lettuces, Greens

Mesclun Mix coming up nicely

Young Swiss Chard

Young Swiss Chard

May 19th: planted 4 varieties tomato plants, 3 zucchini, 2 yellow squash, 2 Indian corn, 5 basils (one purple), and thai pepper plant.

May 20th: planted two varieties of corn seeds, basil seeds, more mesclun and lettuce seeds, more swiss chard seeds, more cilantro seeds; we gave up on the carrots which never surfaced.

May 24th: planted watermelon seeds, cantaloupe seeds, sugar snap pea seeds, green bean seeds, acorn squash seeds, cucumber seeds, thai chili pepper seeds, and garlic bulbs. Also thinned out Fig Bush, mowed, watered garden, accidentally killed thai chili pepper.

May 25th: planted baby rosemary

May 26th: planted four more tomato plants from Rick and Carla’s seeds (small plants), noticed corn coming up.

May 29th: planted chocolate mint in the mint bed behind the house (not in the garden proper).

May 30th: planted beet seeds, pinched lower tomatoe branches, noticed cucumbers, peas, watermelons, musk melons, basil, and beans coming up. Planted replacement Thai chili pepper plant.

Baby Sweet Corn

Baby Sweet Corn

Baby Cucumber

Baby Cucumber

Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Yellow Squash in Back

Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Yellow Squash in Back

Baby Canteloupe (Musk Melon)

Baby Canteloupe (Musk Melon)





Basil and Purple Basil

Basil and Purple Basil

Rosemary and lots of Oregano

Rosemary and lots of Oregano

Baby Green Beans

Baby Green Beans

Baby Sugar Snap Peas

Baby Sugar Snap Peas

Baby Basil Sprouts

Baby Basil Sprouts

Yellow Squash, Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Mesclun Mix

Yellow Squash, Swiss Chard, Cilantro, Mesclun Mix

May 31st: Yay! The acorn squash seeds are sprouting!

Acorn Squash Sprout

Acorn Squash Sprout

June 3rd: heavy rain, 1-2 inches over whole day; the beet seeds sprouting already.

June 6th: Some photos…

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas

New Lettuce/Mesclun Mix Sprouts

New Lettuce/Mesclun Mix Sprouts

June 7th: Plant more green bean seeds since so few sprouted. Add second string for peas and beans to climb on.

June 9th: Took some photos to document the progress…

Corn, Snap Peas, Cucumbers, Squash, Chard

Corn, Snap Peas, Cucumbers, Squash, Chard

Tomatoes, Zuchinni, Melons

Tomatoes, Zuchinni, Melons

Happy Basil

Happy Basil

June 13th: Garlic is visible now.

Garlic plant

Garlic plant

June 14th: Planted kale seeds. Zuchinni and Squash are flowering.

Flowering Zuchinni

Flowering Zuchinni

June 18th: Finished the mailbox bed.

Mailbox Bed

Artemesia, Dahlia, Pentas, Celosia, Dusty Miller, Cardinal Flower, Oreganum

June 20th: Kale sprouts are visible. Big storms and deer get through fence, the vermin chomped on some tomatoes and marigolds.

Flowering Zuchinni

Flowering Zuchinni

Snap Peas

Snap Peas need a little something to cling to

Kale sprouts

Itty-bitty kale sprout next to Mesclun Mix

June 21st: Repaired fence, braced corn and tomato plants back up from storm.

Tall Corn

Corn is more than knee high well before the fourth of July. Human in photo for scale.

June 27th: We have zucchini!


Zucchini and flowers

June 29th: We have yellow squash and the Thai chili seeds have sprouted!

Yellow Squash

Yellow Squash

Thai Chili Sprouts

Thai Chili Sprouts

July 2nd: Harvested Zucchini and Yellow Squash, and enjoying a steady stream of mesclun mixed lettuces, chard, oregano, rosemary, and basil.

Zucchini and Squash Harvest

Zucchini and Squash Harvest

July 14th: Harvested more Zucchini, Basil, Oregano, Rosemary. Snap Peas are visible on the vines, as are green beans. We have corn cobs, and cucumbers, and a Thai chili pepper! The second attempt at carrots is more successful.

Green Beans

Green Beans

Carrot Sprouts

Carrot Sprouts

Thai Chili Pepper

Thai Chili Pepper



First Cucumber

First Cucumber

Sugar Snap Peas

Sugar Snap Peas

Ears of Indian Corn

Ears of Indian Corn

July 16th: harvested first cucumbers, green beans, and sugar snap peas! There really is nothing like a fresh snap pea, yum! Also harvested more zucchini, mesclun lettuces, basil, oregano, thyme. Something ate my kale sprouts and beet sprouts again, damn.

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