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AppleTV update 3.0.2 and XBMC, Boxee, ssh

A few days ago I noticed that Apple had released update 3.0.2 for AppleTV and I managed to get in front of the new update. I upgraded my AppleTV to v3.0.2 (which wiped my XBMC, Boxee, and ssh hacks as usual). So I downloaded the 3.0.2 update image directly to my laptop:

I snagged the latest ATVUSB-Creator (recently upgraded to v1.0b13) and installed it on my laptop:

I plugged in my 1GB USB memory stuck (which has the old patchstick software, but that will be erased).
I ran df -h in a Terminal window to figure out the disk path, on my laptop, that is “/dev/disk2” – but it varies so check carefully.

I ran the ATVUSB-Creator software, made sure it was set to create an ATV-Patchstick and that ssh-tools was checked (which also gives you bin utils, Software Menu, and XBMC/Boxee for Mac). It is critical to Choose a DMG and find and select the 2Z694-6013-013.dmg downloaded earlier. It is also critical to select the correct USB device, in my case /dev/disk2 to match my USB patch stick.

I unplugged my AppleTV, inserted my new USB patch stick, and plugged the AppleTV back in. That booted a little tuxedo penguin and ran the install scripts that install ssh, XBMC, Launcher, Software Menu, and Boxee. This does not remove your media files (which concerned me).

Once the install script is finished, I unplugged the AppleTV and removed the USB patch stick, plugged the AppleTV back in and waited about 3 minutes for it to boot.

I reset Networking Settings to use Ethernet and static IP settings (it comes back after the Apple update with DHCP settings). I made sure the AppleTV settings were all still good.

I used Launcher/Downloads to:

  • upgrade to Launcher 3.2.4, unless it is already at 3.2.4 – check with About
  • upgrade to Boxee
  • upgrade to XBMC 9.11, this took a few times to work successfully

Restart AppleTV, test Boxee and XBMC functionality.

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