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Moved an Oracle Database Today

Yesterday and today my co-workers and I moved a big Oracle database from one old Sun V440 (anyone want to buy some Sun gear?) to a newer Sun T2000. I love my work, it’s fascinating to plan minimal downtime, and try to get all the details right on the new server so the users and customers notice very little change other than everything just works faster.

Sadly, this time, we managed to miss a lot of custom configuration that had never been documented before; but it is now… and we are exhausted, and very happy to have production running on our new box. We’ll save 15 amps of power (those old Sun V440 and StorEdge 3500 trays burn lots of electricity).

I love my job…. Now if I could just figure out why Sun changes pooladm, pset, and zonecfg syntax with every patch bundle….

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